A 4-Step Guide to Create an Effective Cover Letter

Cover letters, along with resumes, make for an integral part of an interview process. A good cover letter shows your professionalism and also tells how you fit in the overall goal of any company. Therefore, a well-formatted cover letter always leaves a good impression on your potential employers. It should be readable, and devoid of any mistakes.

The 4 tips below shall help you create an amazing cover letter:

Step 1: Why You’re Writing

In this case, you have three different scenarios and you need to act differently in each case:

  • In case you’re writing in response to a job post, don’t forget to learn about the title of the position on offer. Try to express your willingness to take up the job and match your skills with the job requirements.
  • If you’re writing for a prospective job opening, express your job objective clearly. Since this type of letter is unsolicited, it becomes all the more important to capture the reader’s attention.
  • In caseyou’re writing for individual information,this should reflect in your request.
Step 2: What You Can Offer

No company will take your skills and experience seriously if they aren't useful enough for them. So, relate your qualifications and particular abilities to the position you’re applying for. It would be futile to think what an employer can offer you. To show what you can offer, you can backyour claims with evidence and highlight your achievements and problem-solving skills.

Step 3:How to Follow Up

You should close your cover letter by stating your interest in the publicized job and letting your employer know how they can reach you. Mention your phone number and email id. You can also talk about the possible scheduling of a telephonic interview or a face-to-face round. In case, you’re applying from outside of the employer’s geographic area, don’t forget to mention that you’ll be available for a certain time-frame in the city and that you’re also ready to relocate.

Step 4: Formatting the cover letter
  • Go for a maximum of three tofour paragraphs;your cover letter shouldn't be longer than one page.Adjust the margin if required to fit your cover letter on the second page.
  • You should use a basic 11-12 point font to ensure your letter is easy to read for a hiring manager. Using basic fonts such as Arial, Verdana, Calibri, and Times New Roman works well. Your cover letter font must match the font you use in your resume.
  • Go forstandard 1". However, if you have trouble in fitting your letter on a single page, shorten it up from the top, side and bottom margins to 3/4" or 1/2".
Summing up

Content no doubt matters in cover letters, but so doespresentation. Whether you’re applying online or via email, the layoutand design of your cover letter should look professional and readableand be devoid of any mistakes. Following the above tips will help you prepare an impressive cover letter.